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JULY 26, 2021

Lucky v0.28 is out and full of QoL updates, and features

With the recent Crystal Conf behind us, we were able to finish up this release for Lucky 0.28 and compatibility with Crystal 1.1.0! Let's recap the conference, and highlight some of the changes.

In case you missed it, there was a Crystal Conference on July 8th, 2021. There were some incredible talks by some amazing individuals like the creator of Ruby, Yukihiro ‘Matz’ Matsumoto, the creator of Crystal, Ary Borenszweig, and the creator of the Open Source Definition Bruce Perens. We saw many facinating talks like Dynamic Crystal by Kirk Haines and fun artistic stuff by Ian Rash. We even had Stephen Dolan and Jeremy Woertink from our Lucky core team give some incredible talks. Big shout-out to all that gave talks, attended the conference, and especially those that helped put it together like Lorenzo Barasti , and Martin Pettinati.

The conference was great, and it was so amazing to see how Crystal is being used in different ways by everyone. On top of putting on a great conference, the Crystal team also managed to release Crystal 1.1.0! We’ve released Lucky 0.28 which has compatibility with the latest Crystal.

Lucky v0.28 is officially out. This ended up being a bit larger than we anticipated, but now we have a clear path to getting Lucky 1.0.0 out. This release is full of some pretty awesome features, and a lot of quality-of-life improvements.

# How to upgrade


Or you can view the changes using LuckyDiff. This tool helps see what has changed between versions and will be included in upgrade notes from now on.

# Here’s what’s new

# Dropped support for Crystal 0.36

Crystal 1.0 has been out for a while now, and with the release of Crystal 1.1.0, we’ve decided to drop support for versions below 1.0 (0.36.1, etc…). This allows us to keep pushing forward, and utilize the latest updates to make Lucky even better.

# Spring Cleaning

Many of the PRs in this release are under the hood improvements.

  • Removing old deprecated methods
  • Fixing compile-time error messages
  • File structure organization
  • Smaller and easier to understand CI configs
  • Small performance gains in things like HTML tag rendering and param parsing
  • so many more…

# No more avram_enum

When enums were first added to Avram, they were a bit tricky to implement. The native Crystal enums didn’t work without lots of refactoring. Since the time it was first introduced, there’s been enough progress to make adding native enums a reality. Thanks to Matthew McGarvey, we can delete a ton of code in our apps, and gain a lot flexibility!

Before this change, your enums would look like this:

class StreamEvent < BaseModel
  avram_enum State do

  table do
    # NOTE: setting a default value here didn't work
    column state : StreamEvent::State

# Saving the record

# Query for the record

Now after the change, your enums look like this:

class StreamEvent < BaseModel
  enum State

  table do
    # NOTE: now you can have default values
    column state : StreamEvent::State = StreamEvent::State::Started

# Saving the record. It has a default value...

# Query for the record

# New JSON serializable columns

Working with jsonb columns can be a bit tedious. Prior to this release, you had to define your JSON::Any, and manually build out the structure you wanted. With larger structures, you may have wanted to write some code like this:

table do
  column data : JSON::Any

# This is easy to read, but comes at a huge performance cost...

# This can get real messy real quick...{"key" =>["key"])})

Thankfully the Crystal PG shard now has more flexibility when parsing jsonb fields from postgres. This allowed us to introduce serializable objects as columns! Now we can do this:

table do
  column data : ReportData, serialize: true

class ReportData
  include JSON::Serializable
  property key : String

Finally, our jsonb columns now have more type-safety! Read more in the PR.

# Support for subdomains

Some applications use multiple subdomains. For example, a separate API with, or maybe logging in to the site sends users to

Before this update, you had to use'.').first to get the subdomain value, then use a before pipe to direct your traffic to the correct location. Now we have built-in subdomain support to handle this.

class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/users" do

class ApiAction < Lucky::Action
  # Include this module in your actions
  # that need subdomains
  include Lucky::Subdomain

class Api::Users::Index < ApiAction
  require_subdomain "api"

  get "/api/users" do

This has many uses, like only access these actions under the “qa” subdomain, or a multitenant application, or even just a staging environment.

Read more in the PR.

# Action updates

Actions got a few small updates starting with a new multipart? helper method that returns true when the request is multipart (i.e. uploading a file). This method accompanies the already existing ajax?, xml?, and plain_text? methods.

Along with the new helper methods, this version introduces two new response methods, raw_json, and html_with_status.

The current json() response method is used to take a serializable object, and convert that to a JSON response. In some cases, for example GraphQL, your payload may be a raw JSON string. You couldn’t use json() because this would convert your string in to an escaped JSON string. Now you don’t have to build out the response manually. Just use raw_json() instead.

Finally, there’s the html_with_status helper. More often than not, if you’re rending an HTML page, it’s going to be a 200 response from the server. Lucky handles the error responses like 404, 422, and 500 for you in a separate action, so there’s usually no reason to change this.

However, Lucky believes in having an escape hatch for those times you need to do non-standard things. If you need to render an HTML page that’s not a 200 response, you can use html_with_status

get "/tea_party" do
  # render the IndexPage with status 418
  html_with_status IndexPage, HTTP::Status::IM_A_TEAPOT.value

# Disable FLoC

Google introduced the Federated Learning of Cohorts or “FLoC” for short, which is used for advertisers to track browsers that focus on privacy.

Here’s a quote taken from that Github Repo:

A FLoC cohort is a short name that is shared by a large number (thousands) of people, derived by the browser from its user’s browsing history. The browser updates the cohort over time as its user traverses the web. The value is made available to websites via a new JavaScript API

By enabling FLoC, you’re allowing the browser to track your users in these cohorts. Lucky has decided to disable this feature for all new applications. If you would like your application to use FLoC, it’s super easy to re-enable. Just remove the module include!

class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  # Remove this include to enable FLoC tracking
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::DisableFLoC

# LuckyEnv

With LuckyEnv joining the Lucky ecosystem, we now have our own shard to handle your environment variables. The old Lucky::Env module has now been moved in to the LuckyEnv shard. Existing apps will need to make a few updates, but new apps will use this by default.

This change brings us a step closer to better environment variable management which will also lead to some cool updates down the road like type-safe ENV vars, or encrypted values.

# Upserts

An upsert is when you do a database operation that will take some values, and UPDATE a record if there’s an existing record, or INSERT a new record with the provided values.

Avram now has a new upsert method on your SaveOperation objects you can use to update an existing record, or create a new one if none exist.

class PartyOperation < User::SaveOperation
  # Use the name column to check
  # for existing records
  upsert_lookup_columns :name

# If a User record exists with the name "Jude", then we will
# update that record with the "attending" column set to false.
# If Jude is not in the DB, then we create a new record with
# the name "Jude", and attending false.
PartyOperation.upsert!(name: "Jude", attending: false)

The feature has been requested for a while, and we’re stoked to have it in.

Read more in the PR.

# Tons more

This was a huge release, so we can’t get to everything. Feel free to check out the CHANGELOG to see more. Here’s a quick highlight on a few more favorites:

  • Support for Arrays in query params and multi_select_input
  • Components no longer need context passed around all over
  • Use Appdatabase.listen to roll your own pub/sub from postgres
  • New .any? and .none? query methods
  • DeleteOperation.destroy renamed to DeleteOperation.delete
  • Customizing inflections with Wordsmith work
  • The select_count method is a little faster, and works on a ton more queries
  • before_save and after_save callbacks in Factories
  • Standardized routing checks

# Parting words

This release gave us a lot of clarity as to what we need before getting to Lucky 1.0. Our current plan is that the 0.29 release will include more QoL improvements, and some features we still need to see before 1.0, as well as fleshing out issues with recently added features like the JSON serializable columns.

After the next 0.29 release, we should be in a solid spot for 1.0.0.rc1. We want to ensure that the transition between the final pre 1.0 release and the official 1.0 release is buttery smooth. We need more people using Lucky and giving us feedback to better guide us with what works, and what needs some extra attention.

If you haven’t had a chance to try out Lucky, now’s the perfect time!

As always, we appreciate the support everyone has given us!

# Follow and spread the word

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