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# Configuring Email

Lucky leverages the Carbon library for writing, sending, and testing emails. Carbon can be configured using the default file generated with a new Lucky application in config/ In that file you can add SendGrid keys and change adapters.

# Adapters

Carbon supports a growing number of adapters thanks to contributions from the community. View supported adapters

If you’ve built an adapter not listed, be sure to let us know!

# Dev Adapter

The DevAdapter ships with Carbon by default, and is useful for handling emails in a development or test environment. It can also be leveraged in production to effectively disable emails.

There are two ways to leverage the DevAdapter. The first is by telling the adapter to simply capture all Carbon output without printing or displaying the email content, which is the default:

# config/
BaseEmail.configure do |settings|
  settings.adapter =

If you want to see your email content printed to your development or test server logs, you can use the optional print_emails flag:

# config/
BaseEmail.configure do |settings|
  settings.adapter = true)

# SendGrid Adapter

The SendGridAdapter ships with Lucky by default, and once configured will send all emails through the SendGrid email service.

Initializing the SendGridAdapter is as simple as initializing the adapter with your SendGrid API key in config/

# config/
BaseEmail.configure do |settings|
  settings.adapter = ENV["SEND_GRID_KEY"])

Be sure the carbon_sendgrid_adapter shard is listed in your shard.yml dependencies.

# Creating Emails

Emails are setup and configured through Crystal classes that live in your src/emails/ directory. In that directory, you should already have a file. This is the abstract class all of your email objects will inherit from. Use the BaseEmail for any defaults that should be applied to all of your emails (e.g. default_from address, etc…)

The views (HTML) related to the emails will reside in the src/emails/templates/{ NAME_OF_EMAIL }/ directory. For example, if your email file is named, the templates for this will live in src/emails/templates/welcome_email/.

You can also check out the PasswordResetEmail in the src/emails/ directory of a newly generated auth project for a live example.

# Email templates

There are two basic templates for emails; HTML, and TEXT. The HTML template will be where you write the raw HTML for your email. The TEXT format is used as a plain text (no HTML) email for devices and/or email apps that don’t support HTML.

Place the templates inside of each specific email directory they belong to. Then name them html.ecr, and text.ecr. For example, if your email file is named, your templates will be in src/emails/templates/welcome_email/html.ecr and src/emails/templates/welcome_email/text.ecr.

The email templates will use ECR for interpolating Crystal code. All instance variables/methods defined in your email class will be available within your template.

<!-- src/emails/templates/welcome_email/html.ecr -->
<h1>Welcome, <%= %>!</h1>
<p>Secret token <%= @token %>.</p>
<p>Thanks, <%= email_signature %></p>

# Email class

In the BaseEmail, you can set defaults that will apply to all of your emails. This includes setting special email headers, from address, or maybe helper methods you need to use in your email templates.

# src/emails/
abstract class BaseEmail < Carbon::Email
  macro inherited
    from default_from
    header "Return-Path", ""
    header "Message-ID", default_message_id

  def default_from"")

  def default_message_id
    digest ="SHA256")
    message_id =


  def email_signature : String
    "The MyApp Crew"
# src/emails/
class WelcomeEmail < BaseEmail

  # Define your own initializer with the
  # references it needs
  def initializer(@user : User)
    encryptor = Lucky::Server.settings.secret_key_base)

    # Instance variables defined are available in your templates
    @token = encryptor.encrypt_and_sign("#{}:#{24.hours.from_now.to_unix_ms}")

  to @user
  subject "Welcome to!"
  templates html, text

# Sending Emails

There’s two strategies to sending emails; deliver now, or deliver later.

# Deliver email now

Once your email class is defined, you can call the deliver method to send now.

# Deliver email later

If you need to delay sending the email, call the deliver_later method to send later.

read more on the deliver_later strategy.

# Marking emails as undeliverable

In cases where you may need to avoid sending emails programmatically, Carbon emails have a deliverable property that is set to true by default, but can be set to false as needed. When false, the deliver and deliver_later won’t send.

email =

if current_user.has_unsubscribed?
  email.deliverable = false


# Before / After send callbacks

Carbon emails have two callbacks available; before_send and after_send. These callbacks can be used for things like marking an email as undeliverable, or tracking when emails are sent.

class MarketingEmail < BaseEmail
  before_send do
    if @recipient.has_unsubscribed?
      self.deliverable = false

  after_send do |response|
    MarkEmailSent.create!(recipient: @recipient, response: response)

  def initialize(@recipient : Carbon::Emailable)

  # ...

The after_send will yield the return value of sending the email. This value will be different depending on the Carbon Adapter you’re using. For SendGrid, this will be the HTTP::Client::Response of the API call.

# Email Attachments

Each file attachment will use a NamedTuple with the keys dependant on if the file is located physically on disk, or in-memory using an IO. Below is an example of multiple attachments using each style.

# src/emails/
class PurchaseEmail < BaseEmail

  # Define your own initializer with the
  # references it needs
  def initializer(@user : User, @purchase : Purchase)

  to @user
  subject "Thank you for your purchase"
  templates html, text
  attachment receipt
  attachment logo

  # Attach file using in-memory IO
  def receipt : Carbon::AttachIO
      file_name: "purchase_receipt.pdf",
      mime_type: "application/pdf"

  # Attach file using path to file
  def logo : Carbon::AttachFile
      file_path: "./path/to/logo.png",
      file_name: "logo.png",
      mime_type: "image/png"

# Testing Emails

Carbon comes with a few methods you can use in your specs to ensure emails are being sent. read more

To configure testing your emails, you’ll need to add include Carbon::Expectations in to spec/ Then to make sure that emails are cleared between specs, you need to add spec/setup/ with

Spec.before_each do

# be_delivered expectation

The be_delivered expectation is used to assert a specific email was delivered.

This only checks that the deliver method was called. It does not account for API hanlding in other adapters.

it "delivers the email" do
  user = UserFactory.create &.email("")

  # Test that this email was sent be_delivered

# have_delivered_emails expectation

The have_delivered_emails is a bit more generic, and asserts that Carbon sent any email.

it "delivers the email" do
  user = UserFactory.create &.email("")

  # Test that any email was sent
  Carbon.should have_delivered_emails
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