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# Getting Started

Lucky uses the built-in Crystal method for testing specs. In Crystal, we refer to all of the tests collectively as a “spec suite”. If you are unfamiliar with this term, it just refers to specifications. Read more on testing in Crystal.

All of your specs will go in the spec/ directory located at the top level of your application. When you generate your Lucky project, there are a few files generated for you to help make testing easier. When you’re ready to run your specs, you’ll just run crystal spec.

The generated files will be different based on whether your app is API only, and whether you have chosen to generate authentication files.


The spec/ file will require all of the necessary files and configuration your testing suite will need to run. Every time you add a new spec file for testing, you will need to require this file first.

# Flows

If you need to test your HTML pages and/or the interactivity of your site (e.g. a user clicking a button to login), you will create your flow specs in the spec/flows directory.

If you generated a full Lucky app with authentication, you will have a few flow specs generated for you.

# Security

You have the option to generate your Lucky app with support for Bright’s SecTester. This will generate security specs for your application that will go in your spec/flows directory.

These tests can take several minutes to run, so you must opt-in to running them. To run these specs, use crystal spec -Dwith_sec_tests.

This is a custom option enabled with lucky init.custom my_app --with-sec-test, and requires an API key from Bright.

# Setup

The spec/setup/ directory is used to run necessary setup for your spec suite to work. Any additional setups needed before your spec suite runs should go in here. All files in spec/setup will be automatically required and ran in alphabetical order.

There are a few setup steps generated with a new Lucky app.

# setup/

Before every spec, your database will automatically be truncated. This will wipe out any test records you’ve added in previous specs.

# setup/

When sending email, Carbon will record delivery emails in memory so you can test whether an email has been sent. This step will clear the emails in memory before each step.

# setup/

This will create and migrate your test database for you. By default, Lucky apps will use the name of your app with the current environment as a suffix. (i.e. my_app_test or my_app_development).

This can be configured in config/

If you update migrations that have already been ran, you’ll need to make sure your test database is updated as well. To reset your test database, run LUCKY_ENV=test lucky db.drop, and then run crystal spec.

# setup/

This file boots your Lucky app for your test suite to use so you can make requests directly to it. It will be stopped when your specs are all done running.

# setup/

Configure your SecTester nexploit repeater with your API key. Sign up for a new key at BrightSec

This file will only exist if you generated your app with the --with-sec-test flag.

# Support

Files in spec/support/ contain code to make testing easier. This includes mock objects, objects for creating test data (e.g. Factories), and your Flow objects which are used in your flow specs, and whatever else you may need.

# support/

The HTTP client you’ll use to make requests to your API actions. See Testing Actions

# support/flows/

The LuckyFlow objects used for testing your frontend. See Testing HTML and Interactivity

# support/factories/

The Factories used for generating test data in your database. These are based off your models. See Creating Test Data

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