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# Authenticating a request

By default all actions inherited from ApiAction will require an auth token because the ApiAction in src/actions/ includes the Api::Auth::RequireAuthToken. This modules requires an auth token or the action will return a 401 unauthorized error.

We’ll go over how to make an action accessible by unauthenticated requests later in the guide.

# Sending an authentication token

You can get an auth token by signing up/in a user, but for this example we’ll assume our token is "fake-token".

There are 2 ways to send this token.

  • With an Authorization header
  • With an auth_token param in the query params or in the body.

# Examples using curl

Using an Authorization header:

curl localhost:5000/api/some_endpoint -H "Authorization: Bearer fake-token"

Using an auth_token query param:

curl localhost:5000/api/some_endpoint?auth_token=fake-token

Using a body param:

curl localhost:5000/api/some_endpoint -d "auth_token=fake-token"

You could also include the token in JSON params: {"auth_token":"fake-token"}

# Allowing requests without a token

For actions that do not require an authentication token, include the Api::Auth::SkipRequireAuthToken mixin defined in src/actions/mixins/api/auth/

For example:

class Api::PublicComments::Index < ApiAction
  include Api::Auth::SkipRequireAuthToken

# Allowing unauthenticated requests by default

If most of your actions do not require an auth token you can remove Api::Auth::RequireAuthToken from ApiAction.

Then in your actions that do require authentication, add Api::Auth::RequireAuthToken:

class Api::SecretProjects::Index < ApiAction
  include Api::Auth::RequireAuthToken

# Sign up

The Api::SignUps::Create action in src/actions/api/sign_ups/ handles user sign ups. It requires an email, password, and password_confirmation and returns a token for authenticating the user.

# Curl example

curl localhost:5000/api/sign_ups -X POST -d "" -d "user:password=password" -d "user:password_confirmation=password"

Which returns a token like:


# Customizing sign up

To add additional fields, change validations, or customize sign up, check out the SignUpUser operation in src/operations/

# Sign in (generate an auth token)

The Api::SignIns::Create action in src/actions/api/sign_ins/ handles creating a new token. It requires an email and password and returns a token for authenticating the user.

# Curl example

curl localhost:5000/api/sign_ins -X POST -d "" -d "user:password=password"

Which returns a token like:


# Customizing sign in

To add additional attributes, change validations, or customize sign in, check out the SignInUser operation in src/operations/

# Show current user

The Api::Me::Show in src/actions/api/me/ returns the user for the given token. Use the token returned by sign in or sign up in either the Authorization header or in an auth_token param.

# Using curl to sign up a user

curl localhost:5000/api/me -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token-returned-from-sign-in/up}}"



# Customize response

You can add or modify the JSON response by changing the UserSerializer in src/serializers/

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