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# Overview

When a full Lucky app is generated with auth you will get:

  • Sign up
  • Sign in
  • Sign out
  • Password reset
  • Basic profile page

# Requiring sign in

By default actions that inherit from BrowserAction (src/actions/ will require sign in because BrowserAction includes the Auth::RequireSignIn module (src/actions/mixins/auth/ This is a great way to make sure that your actions are protected by default.

If your action requires sign in and you are rendering HTML, you will likely make the page you are rendering inherit from MainLayout. This is because MainLayout requires that a current_user is available.

The next section talks about what to do when sign in is optional.

# Making sign in optional

To allow guests (signed out users) to view an action, include the Auth::AllowGuests mixin in the action.

# Auth::AllowGuests mixin

This will allow guests to request this action. It will also make the current_user method nilable (if no user is signed in current_user will return nil).

class PublicPosts < BrowserAction
  include Auth::AllowGuests

Now we have to figure out how to handle the possibility of a guest in our pages and layouts.

# Pages & layouts

By default there are 2 layouts generated:

  • AuthLayout
  • MainLayout

# AuthLayout

This is the layout that “auth” pages will use, such as PasswordsResets::NewPage or SignUps::NewPage. The AuthLayout does not need a current_user because these pages are meant to be used by guests that have not yet signed in/up.

# MainLayout

This is the layout used for pages where a user has been signed in. It requires a current_user because it declares that it needs current_user : User.

abstract class MainLayout
  # 'needs current_user : User' makes it so that the current_user
  # is always required for pages using MainLayout
  needs current_user : User

# Handle guests in pages & layouts

There are a few options available when rendering a page for a guest user that has not signed in.

  • Use AuthLayout if the page is related to authentication.
  • Create a new layout.
  • Make changes to MainLayout to allow signed out users.

# Use AuthLayout

If you have a page that you’d like to use for authentication it is probably best to use the AuthLayout. This could be useful for pages like adding 2 factor auth, social logins, etc.

You can use this layout like any other layout:

class TwoFactorAuth::NewPage < AuthLayout

# Create a new layout

This is usually the best option because you can keep the MainLayout for signed in users, and a new layout for things like marketing pages, and other public pages.

For example, if you want to add some marketing pages you could create a MarketingLayout that either does not need a signed in user, or accepts signed in users and guests.

abstract class MarketingLayout
  include Lucky::HTMLPage

  # You may want to add 'needs current_user : User?'
  # This might be useful if you want to show a "Go to app" button in the
  # header if current_user is already signed in.
  # needs current_user : User?

Some other ideas for naming layouts:

  • PublicLayout
  • GuestLayout
  • SupportLayout

# Change MainLayout to allow signed out users

This might be a good option if you are building an app where the pages are available to both guests and signed in users. For example, Reddit allows signed in users and guests (signed out users) to view most pages.

If this is the type of page you want to build, you can change the needs current_user in MainLayout to allow nil:

# src/pages/
abstract class MainLayout
  # Append '?' to make it so current_user can be 'nil'
  needs current_user : User?

You will also need to check if the current_user is present in a few places. For example in MainLayout you’ll have to change where the signed in user is displayed in the header.

Add conditional to MainLayout#render_signed_in_user:

private def render_signed_in_user
  user = @current_user

  if user
    text " - "
    link "Sign out", to: SignIns::Delete, flow_id: "sign-out-button"

# Inherit from MainLayout

You can now make pages that inherit from this layout and they will work for signed in users and guests.

Your action might look like this:

class Posts::Index < BrowserAction
  include Auth::AllowGuests

  get "/posts" do
    html Posts::IndexPage, posts:

And the page might look like this:

class Posts::IndexPage < MainLayout
  needs posts : PostQuery

  def content
    # html the page contents

Note that you can still use this layout for actions that require sign in, but you will need to check for the signed in user before displaying anything that needs the current user.

Let’s say we have this action that requires sign in:

class Settings::Edit < BrowserAction
  get "/settings/edit" do
    html Settings::EditPage

This will not work because @current_user might be nil:

class Settings::EditPage < MainLayout
  def content
    h1 "#{}'s Settings'"

Instead you need to either check that the current_user is really there, or since this page is used for actions that require sign in you could add a method that tells Crystal it is not nil:

We’ll use getter! so that Crystal treats current_user as not nil.

class Settings::EditPage < MainLayout
  # Defines a getter that says current_user can't be nil
  getter! current_user

  def content
    # Use the 'current_user' method
    h1 "#{}'s Settings'"

This works, but please note that if you accidentally use this page with an action that allows guests, you will get a runtime error because it will try to get the current_user’s name, but the current_user will be nil for guests.

Instead, we recommend creating a new layout just for signed in users in cases like this. It will catch more bugs and you won’t have as much conditional logic. You can share common HTML across layouts with components.

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