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# Querying Records

At this point, we’ve stored records in the database by using the SaveOperation and Avram::Factory classes. To pull the data back out, we will use the Query classes. These query objects are located in your src/queries/ directory. We can see there are already two files in here; and

# Simple queries

The most basic query you can run is SELECT * FROM table_name. To query all of the users (SELECT * FROM users) it’s as simple as If you need a specific record, we can use the find method and pass in the primary key value for the record we are looking for. (e.g. UserQuery.find(4))

The query objects are considered “lazy” which means that just instantiating the class doesn’t execute the query. To run the query, you’ll either iterate the collection using a method like each or map, or you will ask for a single record like calling find or first.

Here are a few simple examples:

# SELECT * FROM users;

# SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 4;

When you need to get more granular with your query, you will want to run a WHERE query. In Lucky each of the columns on a model have an associated query method that requires the proper type to be passed. This keeps your queries type-safe.

# SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '';"")

# SELECT * FROM meals WHERE favorite = 't' AND name = 'tacos';"tacos")

As you can see, the methods are chainable. If the type is Bool then you must pass a boolean value. Passing in a nil value when the type isn’t nilable will cause a compile-time error.

For more information on querying records read the Querying Records guide.

# Adding a Query

It would be nice to show the last 10 fortunes on our home page. We already have a spot on the page, we just need to add the code to our Home::Index action, and then display the results on the Home::IndexPage page.

Let’s open up our Home::Index action in src/actions/home/ Inside of the else branch, we will add our query.

# src/actions/home/
get "/" do
  if current_user?
    redirect Me::Show
    # ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10
    latest_fortunes =

    # Pass these fortunes to our IndexPage
    html IndexPage, fortunes: latest_fortunes

Since we need to pass data from our action to our page, we must update the Home::IndexPage so it knows that it needs this data. Open up the Home::IndexPage in src/pages/home/ At the top of the class we can add our needs line:

# src/pages/home/
class Home::IndexPage < AuthLayout
  needs fortunes : FortuneQuery

  def content
    # ...our page content

The key we specified in our action was fortunes, and the value is an instance of the FortuneQuery. Keep in mind that the queries are “lazy”, so at this point, the data still hasn’t been fetched. We must iterate over this data, or select a single record.

Our needs on the page gives us a method by the same name fortunes which we can use to iterate over. Let’s add some code inside of that “container” div we added:

# src/pages/home/
def content
  div class: "px-4 py-5 my-5 text-center" do
    # ... previous markup
  div class: "container" do
    # Add this block of code here
    div class: "list-group list-group-flush border-bottom scrollarea" do
      fortunes.each do |fortune|
        link to: Fortunes::Show.with(, class: "list-group-item list-group-item-action py-3 lh-tight" do
          div class: "d-flex w-100 align-items-center justify-content-between" do
            small time_ago_in_words(fortune.created_at), class: "text-muted"
          div fortune.text, class: "col-10 mb-1 small"


At this point we should make sure things are still working. Boot your app (lucky dev) to make sure everything compiles. Then view the beautiful new list. Everything work? Great!

# Your Turn

We’ve started really filling in our app, but we can always do better. Give a little refactor a shot!

Try this…

  • Create a new latest method in your FortuneQuery class that fetches the last 10 records created.
  • Update your Home::Index action to use the new latest method instead of the limit and ordering.
  • Add a new name : String column to your User model. (hint: generate a new migration)
  • Update your UserFactory to generate a random name.
  • Update existing user records with a random name. (hint: search the guides (ctrl-k) for mention of “bulk updating”)
  • Update the fortunes to display the user’s name that wrote it.
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